Sources of Support
Irish Representative Office (Irish Aid):
The partnership between JLAC and Irish Aid began in 2007 towards partially
funding main programing. Core funds have been annually renewed since, with
77,918 USD contributed in 2017
EED (Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst)/Brot für die Welt:
Another of JLAC’s donors which have cooperated with the Center since its
inception is the EED/BftW, whom contributes to JLAC’s core funds in the defense
of Palestinian victims of human rights. The current grant provided 430,000€ over
3 years (2016-2018).
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD):
JLAC’s partnership with CAFOD dates back to its separation from the Quaker’s
American Friends Service Committee in 1997. CAFOD annually contributes to
JLAC’s core programming towards rendering protection to vulnerable Palestinians
and victims of violations and injustice, with 30,000 £ awarded in 2017.
United Nations Development Program (UNDP):
In 2011; JLAC began its partnership with the UNDP, whom have continued to
support the Center’s key programs over the years, particularly activities related
to settler violence and violations by the PA. JLAC was awarded 73,560 USD in 2017.
Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat:
JLAC’s partnership with the Secretariat began in 2014, with partial funding being
provided towards the Center’s core programming. The 2017 grant amounted to
201,700 USD.
Project- based Support
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC):
JLAC first partnered with the NRC in 2009, with funds continually provided on a
nearly annual basis. The NRC’s support is provided in the form of two projects,
in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, collectively amounting to 531,371 USD
in 2017.
European Union:
JLAC launched a three-year project funded by the European Union in mid-2016.
The project aims to contribute to strengthening the resilience of marginalized Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem and areas classified as “C” facing human rights violations. 561,100 € in funds will be provided over the course of the three-
year project.
Spanish Cooperation:
A recent partner of JLAC’s, the Spanish cooperation has contributed 94,732 €
towards and 18-month project (2016-2018) aimed at protecting the economic
and social rights of Jerusalemites.