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This study holds significant importance as it sheds light on the issue of children's rights violations in East Jerusalem, a matter that demands international attention. It offers practical recommendations aimed at improving the protection of children's rights in the city, where these rights are persistently infringed upon by various Israeli state institutions. These violations occur either directly or indirectly as part of a systematic policy. The study endeavors to illuminate these violations through a descriptive analytical approach, encompassing a review of literature and amplifying the voices of those directly affected, their families, and the organizations providing support to them. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted, particularly with representatives from well-established legal and human rights organizations which hold positions in the field and document and prosecute violations while providing support to children and their families in their efforts to confront these challenges
The study primarily focuses on introducing the laws and systematic violations targeting children in East Jerusalem. It highlights key laws, like the law against stone throwing and the bill to reduce eligibility. Furthermore, it underscores widely-used violations that deprive children of their right to life, freedom, movement, and education, often through field executions, arrests, torture, and even forced confinement, commonly known as house arrest. The study also emphasizes the legal, psychological, and social impact of these violations, which have escalated over the past decade. It establishes connections between various forms of direct and indirect violations within the policies implemented in East Jerusalem, particularly against its indigenous residents.
On the other hand, the study focuses on the role of human rights and legal organizations working with children in East Jerusalem. It highlighted the limited number of organizations operating in this field and the decline in their numbers due to various circumstances. Additionally, the study addresses the numerous challenges faced by these institutions, such as the need for a greater number of legal and human rights experts who can provide awareness programs, guidance, and legal support to children and their families. It emphasizes the importance of legal representation for children and comprehensive documentation of violations. Furthermore, the study underscores the necessity of protecting these organizations and their staff from persecution and harassment by the security establishment in Jerusalem.
The study conducts an analysis of the current state of legal and human rights organizations working with children in East Jerusalem. It presented an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses within the internal environment of these organizations, as well as the challenges and opportunities in the external environment surrounding them. This analysis was deemed an essential and vital step in understanding and evaluating the performance and capabilities of these organizations. It aimed to leverage their strengths, exploit potential development opportunities, and address challenges and weaknesses to minimize their impact on the services provided to children in East Jerusalem. While the study reviews these points to identify and introduce them, it acknowledged that addressing all of these aspects exceeded the study's objectives and the research team's capacity
In its conclusion, the study offers four suggestions and recommendations for legal and human rights strategies to mobilize and unite all available resources, ensuring the highest level of success in achieving the legal rights of Palestinian children in East Jerusalem. The study emphasizes that any strategy lacking the collaboration of all sectors would remain incomplete. Recognizing the unique circumstances in East Jerusalem and the challenges faced by civil society organizations in coordinating human rights and legal efforts, the study recommended transcending institutional boundaries. It proposed the formation or activation of a Jerusalem-based legal and human rights coalition, with periodic monitoring and evaluation of its performance to enhance its role and adapt its strategies to align with developments in East Jerusalem and the needs of children.
The study's recommendations highlight the need for action at both the local and international levels. Locally, the focus should be on strengthening and implementing legislation and laws that protect children, enhancing legal training and education related to children's rights and violations against them, fostering coordination among active organizations in the legal sector, and establishing a monitoring body to document violations and provide support and awareness to children and their families.
At the international level, the study emphasizes the importance of sustained and intensified pressure and advocacy campaigns in various international forums, including international courts and UN platforms. It calls for continued efforts to enforce laws that protect children and safeguard their rights in all international arenas. Additionally, it suggests the establishment of an international committee or committees to investigate the violations experienced by children in Jerusalem.
The study emphasizes that protecting children's rights is a fundamental human duty that requires the participation of all, hoping that this study would contribute to raising awareness about the significance of this issue and inspire further endeavors to safeguard the rights of children in East Jerusalem, on par with their peers worldwide, without discrimination based on any criteria.


For reading the study "CHILDREN JUSTICE IN EAST JERUSALEM" , press here.



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