jlac - News


As the United Nations and the world commemorates the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on 26 June 2020, Palestinian Civil Society Coalitions...
Message to the Ambassador of the Czech Republic calling for the cancellation of hosting a meeting with the NGO MonitorA meeting that provides a platform...
three Palestinian and regional human rights organisations filed a joint submission to the United Nations (UN) Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous...
Durante muchos anos, continua Israel su ocupacion del territorio de otro estado, dominando otro pueblo, un estado colonial impone su ocupacion,...
Adalah, JLAC, and Al Mezan petitioned against the 2017 law; Adalah: nothing justifies war crimes including the transfer of Israeli civilians to occupied...
On 15 April 2020, the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC) sent a letter to the Israeli occupation‘s Civil Administration (ICA) to...
This year we mark World Health Day as the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to sweep across the globe, disproportionately impacting those...
62 Networks, Alliances and Human Rights Organizations from 13 Arab countries urge the international community to steer clear of any political bias...
At a time when shelter is critical in personal and public health, Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) have demolished 10 structures and confiscated equipment...
Today, 19 February, JLAC accompanied a delegation of three British MPs from the Labour Party (Mr. Neil Coyle , Mr. Alex Norris and Mr. Jeff Smith ) in...
JLAC Sends Letter to Israeli Attorney-General Concerning Bennett’s Recent Statement on Transfer of Land Registration in Area C from the Israeli Civil...
We, a group of Palestinian and regional organizations, condemn the recent announcement by United States (US) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, on 18 November...

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